The search box located at the top of each page allows you to search for images using
Month Taken example = August
Year Taken example = 2016
State Name example= Colorado
County Name example = Adams
The Keywords WP and MOMTEX are assigned to images suitable for printing on wallpaper.
The keyword WATER is assigned to images that include a body of water (river,lake,stream,pond,etc)
Other keywords are also assigned to individual images based on content, season, time of day, colors, location, and etc. The keywords HILL, MOUNTAIN, PLATTE, RIVER, LAKE, POND, DUCK, EAGLE,ELK, FLOWER, ROSE, GRASS, TREE, PASTURE, FENCE, RAINBOW, CLOUD,SNOW, YELLOWSTONE, AFTERNOON, SUNSET, RED, PURPLE, BARN, BUILDING, PEOPLE, COWBOY, AND SPRING are a few examples of these types of keywords
Note that the individual words in the image titles are also stored as keywords. For an image titled “Remembering the Storm” the individual words remembering, the, & storm are assigned to the keyword list of the image.
For a single keyword search of all images, using the KEYWORD SEARCH BOX is the fastest option, however it may result in selecting more images than can be dealt with easily. The ADVANCED SEARCH option described later in this article us usually a better methodology for finding images.
Images on the website are tagged with Keywords related to image size or image format (tall, wide, etc), which the search function uses to select images. The 2 tables below denote keywords relating to image size and image format, and are available to use in searching for the images that fit your requirements.
Image size keywords | Size Description |
SMS | Small – Maximum Dimension is less that 31 inches |
MEDS | Medium – Maximum Dimension is 31 to 59 inches |
LGS | Large – Maximum Dimension is 60 to 119 inches |
VLGS | Very Large – Maximum Dimension is 120 inches or greater |
Images printed on wallpaper can be printed twice as large as a fine art print so you would need to use a smaller image size keyword to find prints when searching for wallpaper images. For example if the wallpaper size is 72×120 the search for size would be 36×60.
Image Format Keywords | Format Description |
HF | Normal Horizontal format – Height to Width Ration greater than 52% and Less than 89% |
WF | Wide Horizontal format – Height to Width Ratio greater than24 % and Less than or equal to 52% |
VWF | Very Wide format – Height to Width Ratio less than 24% |
SQF | Square format – Height to Width Ratio between 89% and 111% |
VF | Normal Vertical format – Height to Width Ratio greater than 111 % and Less than 180% |
VTF | Very Tall format – Height to Width Ratio is 180% or greater |
Images are also tagged with another set of keywords that are a combination of their FORMAT & SIZE keywords separated with a ‘-‘ (dash). The format keyword is listed first followed by a – and then the size keyword. For example using the keyword VWF-MEDS would return all images that have a very wide format and are medium sized or can be downsized from larger images.
In addition to the image size and format keywords there are also keywords associated with height and width as follows:
Height Keywords are H24, H30, H36, H40, H48, H60, H72, H84, H96, H120, and H144 so if you are looking for images that will print at least 36” high you would enter H36 as one of the search keywords. The number following the H denotes the height dimension in inches for the keyword.
Width Keywords are W36, W42, W48, W60, W72, W96, W120, W180, W240, W300, W360, W400, and W480; so if you are looking for images that will print at least 72” wide you would enter W72 as one of the search keywords. The number following the W denotes the width dimension in inches for the keyword.
Another example: To find images that will print at least 40 inches high and 120 inches wide enter H40 and W120 as the keywords in the search function.
The advanced search feature allows you to narrow down your image search by searching on multiple keywords at once, and also allows you to confine the search to a specific image category (eg. Nebraska Landscapes or Wildlife)
Below the KEYWORD SEARCH box at the top right of your screen is a text link to the ADVANCED SEARCH Function. Clicking on the ADVANCED SEARCH text link brings up the screen below, which gives various options for searching the website for images as follows:
- Enter the Keywords for your search separated by spaces
- Select which Categories (galleries) to search in ( Note: “ALL” is the default option in the drop down menu)
- Use the defaults for Search Field and Media Type
- Ignore (uncheck) the Black & White check box – there is a separate category for that (see # 2)
- If entering multiple keywords click the Match all Keywords button (default is Match at least one keyword)
- Click on the SEARCH button at the bottom of screen.